Chicken Woes

Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

To clip or not to clip, that is the question around here these days.  At least that is what is on my mind every time I look at our beautiful chickens confined to the 5 x 10 chicken tractor.  Sure they get plenty of food and their needs are met but I miss seeing them freely roaming the landscape.  We have a section of property that is fenced off for the goats which is perfect for the chickens to free range.  The problem is that they fly over the 8 foot fence, beaks smiling (if thats possible).  My latest proposition  is to clip their wings.  They can free range and be happy.  No scratching in my garden...everyone is happy.  Unfortunately I am out numbered 3 to 1.  Dad and kids are adamant that clipping is cruel.  Well, they cant fly in the chicken tractor I say.  So I will be working on them to change their minds...What do you all think?

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